Saturday, November 20, 2010

Essay_Reasons students work part-time

Reasons Students Work Part-Time

Many students work part-time during the school holidays. Most of them can be found working in shopping malls or fast food restaurants as these places engage many part- time staff.

What prompts students to take up part-time jobs? The reasons are many, and the most obvious one is to earn money to pay for their daily expenses. Students nowadays have many needs. Furthermore, the allowance which they receive from their parents may not be sufficient. As growing teenagers, they are always hungry and need to eat more food. So, a large portion of the money they earn from their part-time job is spent on their daily needs such as fast- food, snacks, drinks, bus or taxi fares to get them from one place to the other.

Students also work part-time to earn extra pocket money so that they can indulge in some luxuries. These days, the students are very exposed and they are bombarded with branded things on the media. This makes them brand-conscious and they feel the pressure to wear and use what their peers have. So, it is not surprising that they may have been eyeing their much desired pair of branded jeans or shoes and may be longing to possess them. So, working part-time is one way to obtain money to buy these things. The extra pocket money also comes in useful when they want to go to a movie or enjoy a cup of coffee or tea at a café, which is a trend among most teenagers.

Tuition has almost become a necessity and many students spend quite a lot on tuition to help them improve their studies. However, not all students are fortunate as some come from poor families. As such, these students have to work part-time to help pay the fees. By chipping in, they are also helping to ease their parents' burden. Thus, working part-time helps alleviate the students' financial problems.

There are many advantages for students who work part-time. Firstly, they get to make more friends, thereby, improve their social skills when interact with them. They also gain working experience which is useful when they apply for jobs in future as candidates with working experience can command better pay.

Another advantage of working part-time is that students learn to be more accountable and disciplined because they have to perform tasks, take instructions, deliver results and meet deadlines. What is more, they also get to experience working life and know the difficulties in earning money! This teaches them to be more prudent and careful with their money.

However, working part-time has its disadvantages. For instance, students who work in undesirable places may be exposed to negative influences. Therefore, students must ensure that they work in proper places so that they can benefit as working part-time trains them to be more diligent, responsible and independent.

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